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Solo travel with costly photography equipment — Il forum di Fotocontest
Hello, everyone! I have a question for single (long-term) travelers who travel with their photography equipment: how do you manage it? Alternatively, why don't you do it. I just can't figure out a suitable and safe method to bring my gear + laptop, which will cost roughly € 8000, all in one (or two) backpacks, especially while I'm alone ... The exact location is yet unclear , but the chances are good that it will be in Southeast Asia. Do you have any thoughts or experiences you'd like to share? It is greatly appreciated!
Solo travel with costly photography equipment
Hello, everyone! I have a question for single (long-term) travelers who travel with their photography equipment: how do you manage it? Alternatively, why don't you do it. I just can't figure out a suitable and safe method to bring my gear + laptop, which will cost roughly € 8000, all in one (or two) backpacks, especially while I'm alone ... The exact location is yet unclear , but the chances are good that it will be in Southeast Asia. Do you have any thoughts or experiences you'd like to share? It is greatly appreciated!4Stagioni
@RedazioneFotocontest pure questo è spam?RedazioneFotocontest
Sembra di si, ho rimosso il link (che comunque non andava). L'utilità di certi spam mi è tuttora ignota