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Domande sulla fotografia — Il forum di Fotocontest

Tecnica fotografica

Domande sulla fotografia


I was changing the sliders last night while taking some photos (Horizon 5) and noticed that every two or two notches changed the lighting and reflections in the photo significantly more than they should. It was almost as if the weather had changed or I had turned around. On a couple of occasions the reflections have simply vanished. It didn't happen every time I moved them, but when it did, it was really noticeable, and I had to fiddle with the sliders until it reversed and came back the way I wanted.

I've never had anything like it before, and was interested if it could be duplicated (or avoided). It's also reasonable if it's simply a Horizon 5 issue, given the game's other flaws.

If it's relevant, it happened on an X Series.

Quality was chosen, but it was also done quickly.
3 anni fa 